Landscape engages homebuyers by producing emotionally engaging and empathetic property marketing campaigns that motivate them to move, as well as feel part of a more significant community.

We’ve been helping housebuilders, Housing Associations and niche developers to engage their customers for over 30 years. Much has changed in that time though we are still led by insights, empowered by emotion and driven by results. Using data, content and technology we can help to drive more pre-qualified leads and improve the consumer experience.


It’s now more important than ever that consumers can see information about not only the wider community of like-minded people and amenities that they will be buying into, but also who they are buying from to demonstrate a shared set of values. Tapping into the emotions and excitement around buying a new home should be the basis for any campaign, as so often we buy with our hearts, rather than our heads. A consistent and compelling experience should pervade every touchpoint from the website and social media, to the raft of other channels they may consume.

Moving homes service

Moving home is one of the most exciting and daunting times of our lives, in equal measure, and we commit to keeping your campaigns moving too. Emotionally empathetic and relevant, our ideas cut to the heart of what matters most to the consumer to create great expectations. We aim to increase awareness and engagement, be that via virtual visitors that convert to physical leads, increased social media traffic, video engagement, or even event attendance. We deal in tingles, more than brand mentions and in short, we keep your campaigns moving!

Interactive tools

Buying a home, particularly your first time, or via commonly convoluted schemes such as Shared Ownership, can be complicated and may put people off. We aim to make the complex simple! Fixing issues around the perception of new homes, particularly modular properties, from those of an older generation are important to navigate; not only for their own rightsizing moves, but also if they hold the purse strings of their dependents. Digital tools are engaging, easy to use and provide valuable insights for the customer, as well as analytics for you that shows a direct correlation with action.

Financial Education

Money is the biggest stress for homebuyers, whether it’s raising a deposit, securing a mortgage, or providing proof of earnings. Dynamic and interactive educational content helps remove barriers to entry, helps make financial goals more tangible and realistic, and provides reassurance that you are there to help them as part of their buying journey. This is particularly relevant to those buying their first home or a Shared Ownership property and needing guidance, goals or gamified experiences created to reduce cancellation rates.

Homebuyer data
analysis & insight

Understanding consumer behaviours is the first step to providing effective and relevant communications. By segmenting and analysing your data, we will identify how customers actually behave and what they really want and need. Ongoing metrics can highlight opportunities to ‘nudge’ buyers to move them through their purchasing journey; from awareness to advocacy.

& destination marketing

Whether it’s promoting a place with perception issues, or creating a destination from a blank piece of paper, we have the experience to bring a collective vision to life. Identifying features and benefits is one thing, but pulling them together into a coherent and compelling plan to articulate the vision for a new place is another – and luckily, one that we have lots of experience in!

  • Review of digital touchpoints
  • Review of campaign collateral
  • Mystery shopping
  • Onsite review
  • Website UX and performance review
  • SEO analysis
  • Reports and recommendations

Research & audit

Stock plots, failing campaigns, or just stuck for ideas? We can use a raft of research techniques and experience to scan your landscape and propose the best range of solutions. We don’t tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but if the content has gone cold, we can add more than just bubbles! If however, your strategy has holes in it, we will propose a suite of shiny new ideas and left-brain thinking – perhaps the baby could go in a bidet…?
