Landscape attends the 2023 PLSA Conference

The 2023 PLSA Conference has now concluded and it has given us plenty to ponder. This year’s event touched on a range of topics, from how superfunds and the PPF are going to affect the future of DB to delivering retirement for a DC generation and progress on the ‘Pay Your Pension Some Attention’ campaign. 

Attending on our behalf was our Client Services Director, Johnathon Ryder and Creative Director, Ryan Sales. Shortly after his return, we caught up with Johnathon who had this to say: 

“The industry’s biggest conference of the year has come and gone and we all had a great time in Manchester in mid-October. And this being a centenary year as well.

“What I always love about our industry is that although it’s pretty big sometimes it can feel really small and intimate. The PLSA Conference is always a favourite for us as it’s a chance to mingle with not only current clients but also ex-clients, ex-colleagues, and our competitors in a really friendly welcoming environment. Everyone is so passionate and at the end of the day, we’re all working for the greater good of putting the members first, helping them to make the most of their pension savings and retire comfortably as soon as they can.

“The highlights for me this year, being a big University Challenge fan and keen BBC Radio 4 listener, included a presentation by the show’s host Amol Rajan, which I particularly enjoyed.

“I was interested in how people like Andrew Griffith MP are looking at pension scheme investments, not only for the best results for the members but whilst also balancing additional support for the UK economy and the Government’s targets, like investing in UK growth and the green agenda.

“The Regulator, courtesy of Chief Exec Nausicaa Delfas talked about the 22,000 DC schemes in the UK and how they feel that consolidation into fewer larger schemes will benefit members in terms of reduced fees, increased choice, and better outcomes, Master Trusts continuing to be a key part of this shift.

“Finally, ‘digital’, Landscape’s heartland, was raised on a number of occasions in several of the presentations, how technology can be used better and how, as an industry, we still need to do more to engage and educate younger members in a way that suits them. Professor and Author Noreena Hertz suggested this doesn’t automatically mean we head straight for TikTok, but instead try to get younger people involved in pensions communications at the grassroots. Even at the other end, how employers communicate to members five years and out from retirement is a challenge.

“And just like that, it’s over for another year. For those contacts that weren’t able to attend this year, or haven’t attended before, it’s a great few days and well worth a visit for the educational value.”