Landscape launch the first of eight animations to support financial wellbeing in the workplace

Landscape have produced eight rules for looking after money as a series of short and shareable animations. ‘Money Zingers’ offer simple advice to help employees understand the basics of finance.

They will be gradually launched over the coming weeks but here’s a sneak peak of the first ‘Get a saving habit’.

Money is the main form of stress in the workplace. It’s a significant challenge for organisations yet 59% are not doing anything to tackle financial wellbeing.1 We know happy employees create happier workplaces which in turn has positive effects on business growth.

Money Zingers is inspired by US Social Scientist Harold Pollack’s claim that all you need to know about money can fit on an index card. Unfortunately many people still grow up in an environment where they aren’t taught about the value of money. How many employees actually understand their payslip? What their tax code means? Or how their bonus or pension is calculated?

As experts in financial education, Landscape reinterpreted Pollack’s tips and have used a contemporary style and language to attract a new generation of employees desperate for support. The opportunity is for communicators to empower employees, build confidence and put their welfare at the heart of the business strategy.

Keep an eye out for the other animations in the series. And please drop us a line with any feedback!

1 (Source: Reward – Wellbeing in the Workplace 2018)