Gamified learning and development about investing

Whilst many leaders insist that people are a business’ most importantly asset, this is not always proven when delving deeper into its learning and development culture. Successful organisations recognise that to keep up with the pace of external change, they have to provide employees the opportunity to develop and grow, aligning both the business and individual needs.


Despite being a world leader in investments, a survey uncovered that many of the employees who weren’t financial experts couldn’t explain Fidelity’s business at a dinner party. They recognised there was a need for an educational and accessible tool that could position investments and Fidelity within the world of finance. Having recently implemented a new Learning Management System (LMS) to develop its workforce’s capabilities and competencies, the solution had to be integrate with Cornerstone.


Using our gamification experience, we wrote, designed and built a learning module that introduced Fidelity employees to investments. Employees set an investment goal, and reach it by being collecting coins when they unlock and complete each piece of content within five zones. After each zone there is a interactive challenge to test their knowledge. It uses SCORM to track activity, and reports back to the LMS to connect with an employee’s individual learning journey.

“It’s the smoothest and most visually appealing content I’ve seen on our LMS.”

“It is a beautifully presented course.”

“Absolutely loved interacting with the learning app”


The investment module was the flagship learning content launched on the LMS, and has quickly become a key onboarding activity across the whole business. Anecdotal feedback has included “It’s the smoothest and most visually appealing content I’ve seen on our LMS.” As of Summer 2019, we’re awaiting detailed analytics.