Clearing the pathway to better member communications.
We’ve worked with the Royal Mail Pension Plan (RMPP) since 2014, producing key communications for their Plan members. The focus of this project was to really listen to the members and reimagine a clear and engaging user journey consistently across all communications.
The 2014 member survey and focus groups showed that, while members were engaged with the Royal Mail Pension Plan, two-thirds didn’t fully understand their benefits. We were asked to review their current communications strategy to ensure their members were engaging with the information they received, gaining a better understanding of their benefits and, therefore, being able to make informed choices about their benefits.
In 2019, we reviewed the website, and following further member focus groups, we were able to implement the appropriate updates and improvements.
Taking on board member feedback, we gave the communications a new look and feel, using simpler language and engaging imagery to help improve understanding. We also introduced ‘Cyril the Squirrel’, a friendly character dedicated to giving members an ‘in a nutshell’ guide to their Plan. We redesigned the Plan’s benefit statements using simplified language and layout to identify important information.
To cement these changes we re-launched the Plan’s website, using the new look and straightforward language. The website featured an animated Cyril to help members find information they need, along with a new modeller to aid retirement planning. The ongoing programme includes a review of all hard copy communications, which will always be important to members given the nature of the Company.
In 2019, we were asked to complete another website review, to look at the member journey and see if it could be optimised further. As part of this, we carried out further focus groups, which highlighted that many members were struggling to find the information they needed. Members found it difficult to understand which section of the Plan they were in. It was a collaborative process – we worked closely with the Plan administrators and the wider pensions team to really dig deep into what the members would see at each stage of the process.

Landscape are proactive and have members best interest at the heart of what they do.
Mark Rugman, Head of Membership
& Benefits
We listened to members and refocused the way the Plan communicates; presenting the information members wanted to know, in a simple, clear and engaging way, with the help of Cyril. Our 2016 survey showed a 100% improvement in members who completely understood the Plan, with three quarters of members finding the redesigned benefit statement helpful and clear.
The new look website sent a clear message to members that this was their Plan and their voices had been heard loud and clear.
And after launch the results showed:
1,768 Spent over 10 minutes per session
1,181 Total unique video views
25% scrolled to the bottom of each page